Childhood Trauma Therapy

Move beyond the beginning.

The problems you had as a child don’t have to be with you for the rest of your life.

You know the things troubling you today started when you were a kid? Absent or abusive family, other kids who harassed or assaulted you, harsh coaches or teachers, not feeling understood by others because of your gender/sexuality, skin color, or having a brain that thinks differently… Whether it was a single traumatic event or multiple events… childhood trauma or Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) leave a mark.

You feel bad about yourself. Your feelings are out of control, or you’re avoiding your feelings entirely. You see yourself as broken and alone.

Maybe you got therapy before, or spent countless hours on self-help books. They might have helped, but you’re still struggling.

You’re tired of feeling like you’ll never be healed.

  • You throw yourself into work as a way of proving yourself, and it drains you. You burn out, but don’t know how to do anything different.

  • You’re not the parent you want to be. You still can’t keep yourself from yelling or shutting down and separating from your kids.

  • You have trouble connecting to other people because you don’t trust them, are afraid of being rejected, or don’t want to “be a burden.”

  • You still feel like you don’t fit in or people don’t understand you.

  • Your health is suffering. You’re tense or on edge all the time. You live in extremes: can’t sleep or sleep too much, starve your body or binge. You have chronic illnesses, especially autoimmune disorders or stomach-related problems.

How we can help

You’re ready for something different, something better.

At The Center for Trauma Therapy, we offer different kinds of therapy, so we can find the best fit for you. Each kind of therapy we offer is based in science, and has research to support its effectiveness. Our therapists are highly trained, experienced clinicians.

All of our therapists offer a warm, calm, and nonjudgmental space where all people feel safe and welcome, especially for folx in marginalized communities. Therapy goes at your pace, and focuses on your priorities. This is your life. We’re dedicated to supporting you in making it a life you want and can enjoy.

imagine Your life if you…

Eliminate triggers, nightmares, and trauma-related fears

Feel more secure in your relationships

Experience your feelings safely

Break out of unhelpful thoughts and behaviors, no matter how long you’ve had them

Prioritize your well-being

we want you to know:

It can get better.


Common questions about childhood trauma

  • There is no such thing as “not bad enough.” If what happened still bothers you or negatively affects your life, you deserve to heal from it. We don’t get to decide what traumatizes us. Our brains and bodies react on an instinctive level, and we get stuck in that reaction. What triggers that reaction is different for each person, and is influenced by a wide variety of things.

  • Certain types of therapy that we offer don’t require that you remember what happened for you to go through the healing process. Our bodies and parts of our brains we can’t consciously access do remember.

  • Many important developmental things happen throughout our childhoods, and those things lay the foundation for the rest of our lives. Research has shown that childhood stress affects not only our mental health, but our physical health, as well. It may be affecting you in ways you haven’t connected to what happened in your childhood. In healing those childhood wounds now, you can improve your mental and physical well-being for the rest of your life.

Ready to get started?

You are worth it.