Cognitive Processing Therapy
Break free of the negative thoughts holding you back.

What is Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)?
A way to get unstuck from hurtful ways of thinking
CPT is a kind of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) that was made to help people with trauma.
After we have experienced something painful or frightening, we may get stuck with unhelpful thoughts and beliefs about ourselves or the world around us. CPT works on getting those thoughts “unstuck,” replacing them with more helpful thoughts and beliefs.
What to expect
The CPT Process
CPT typically lasts between 12 and 24 sessions. There are many things that factor into how many sessions you may need. You and your therapist will often discuss your progress and the next steps in therapy.
In those therapy sessions, you will work with your therapist to notice the negative thoughts from the trauma and how they have hurt your life. Your therapist will help you change those thoughts to things that are more beneficial to you while still being accurate. CPT doesn’t try to convince you that nothing bad happened; it helps you stop the trauma from consuming your life.
Between sessions, you will have activities to do to help you get the most out of therapy and improve your day-to-day life. The skills you learn during CPT can help you for the rest of your life, and apply to much more than the trauma you have experienced.
imagine Your life if you…
Reduce your tension, anger, or fear
Reconnect with feelings of safety and security
Restore your ability to trust others
Repair your relationship with yourself
Rediscover joy
Common questions about CPT
Yes! No therapy method works for everyone, but research has shown time and time again that people see significant improvement in their mental health after CPT.
CPT is a more specialized form of CBT that treats trauma. CPT and CBT have many things in common, but CPT is taught and used in a way that addresses the unique needs related to trauma.
It’s highly recommended to do CPT for at least one hour every week. Shorter sessions or going longer in between sessions slows down progress, and can end up extending your treatment far beyond what you would have had if you did the recommended time/amount of sessions.
CPT is typically between 12 and 24 sessions. We can’t say exactly how many sessions you’ll need because every person is different and responds to therapy differently. We will be absolutely transparent with you about your treatment and how it’s going.

Ready to get started?